What is EVE Online?
EVE Online is a community-driven spaceship MMORPG where players can play free, choosing their own path from countless options.
Experience space exploration, immense PvP and PvE battles and a thriving player economy in an ever-expanding sandbox.
Participate in many in-game professions and activities, including war, politics, piracy, trading, and exploration, across 7,000 star systems with hundreds of thousands of other players.
7800+ Star Systems
350+ Ships to Fly
1000000 Daily Market Transactions
750+ Ships Destroyed Hourly
Spaceship Showcase
A small sample of the 350+ ships you can fly
New Eden Awaits
New Players
Dive into EVE Academy for a tailored learning experience, then forge your own path with skill plans, beginner ship fits, video guides, and so much more!
Returning Players
Continue your unique space adventure in New Eden and find out everything that's happened since you last undocked, including new expansions, new features and more.